February 2020: 14 Latest Updates to CampusGroups

Are you headed to the 2020 NASPA Conference in Austin in March? If you are attending, we would love to say hi! Come visit our team at Booth #205 in the exhibit hall, and please join us on Monday at our presentation with George Mason University on Creating a One-Stop Shop for Our Students: And Making it Mobile! (Monday, March 30th, 10:15-11:05am, Room 17B). We hope to see you there!

As a reminder, it's not too late to sign up for our first user conference next month: CampusGroups Rendez-Vous, an exciting one-day event on Saturday, March 28th in Austin (coinciding with NASPA). Join us for an exciting day filled with discussions, hands-on learning and networking opportunities (not to mention food & fun in downtown Austin). Learn more and register below!

We're excited to announce the launch of our Weekly Training Webinars! Starting next week, we will be offering our administrators free trainings on several different features each week. Trainings are approximately 30-45 minutes and designed to help CampusGroups users learn about and make the most of the latest tools, updates and best practices for all of the tools available to you: Points & BadgesEmail MarketingWebsite Builder, and more!

Check out the next 10 training topics:

Finally, we have the great pleasure of announcing the upcoming launch of our new CampusGroups Users Community on Feburary 26th, a dedicated space for our platform users to connect, exchange ideas and best practices, expand your network and optimize your user of CampusGroups! More details at the bottom of this email (blue box).

Thanks for reading, and we wish you a very happy & prosperous new year!

The CampusGroups Team

Key Updates


Group officers can change from one semester to the next and this often means requiring new leaders to fill out approval forms (e.g., anti-hazing form). To help support this transition, we added an easy way to update a list of officers without requiring returning officers who are staying in their positions to fill out approval forms again (even if the new officers must fill out different forms).

TutorialHow to Activate the Group Re-Registration Feature


As a company, we believe that it is our responsibility to engage in ongoing sustainability efforts, education and development initiatives. We love hearing about how our campuses partners are making a difference, and we believe your great ideas and projects should be shared and showcased for greater reach, visibility and impact!

As one of our main goals in 2020 is to encourage campuses to communicate about sustainability, we've added a new way for campuses to promote their efforts with a new leaf icon that can be added to the header of your page (linking to a page dedicated to your schoolโ€™s sustainability projects). Please contact us to add your sustainability leaf!


Our highly useful "Paste Email List" button has been upgraded to "Paste List"! Choose a list of emails, NetIDs or even card IDs to easily search for a targeted group of users.

For example, after an event, this is a very convenient way to search for everyone who checked in by their student ID and tag or follow up with them easily.


At CampusGroups, we know how important collaborative settings are for administrators to be able to easily customize their home page as needed. Upon request, we created a new permission so that you can allow administrators with less permissions (not a super admin) to also be able to edit page customizations.

Additionally, if you would like to make some sections visible to only certain types of users, you can now adjust the privacy of your widgets to control who can see or not see them.

TutorialHow to Customize the Homepage


Completion Rules allow you to require users to complete an action like attending an event or posting on the feed before a next step occurs, such as requiring students to then submit a form or reflection. You can now also require the submitted reflection to be approved by an administrator in order to complete the requirement.


You can now easily book recurring meetings manually within the Connections Program. Simply add a meeting manually and set it to happen every Thursday, for example, to create and book all of the meetings at once.


We know that every schoolโ€™s calendaring needs are unique, so we made an easy to add important dates through a simple Excel upload. Just date and title are needed to include the dates that are important for your campus: breaks, vacations, commencement, etc. No need to manually add these dates one by one!


To make managing events more efficient, we have updated the way officers can add attendees to their event. Before, you needed to manage the event first and then select members to add from there. Now when you go to Members section, you can filter and select those you would like to add, then just click the new "Add to Event" button (under the "..." menu) for an easy way to add guests to your event.

What else is new?

9) We added a new type of survey logic that allows you to automatically add answer tags to a survey submission based on the answers to certain questions.

10) A new RSS Survey Answers API allows you to quickly retrieve all submissions for a survey, for a specific person's response, or for a specific event approval form through an RSS feed.

11) You can now add a mandatory custom form to collect more information from officers submitting a budget request.

12) In Surveys & Forms, the number of pending submissions is now displayed.

13) For a cohesive, complete look, we have created a default logo to apply to groups when they don't have one. (They can update their logo at any time.)

14) In Surveys, you now have the option to list candidates in random order, to help avoid influencing voters.

Interested in learning more about CampusGroups? Please do not hesitate to contact us for a demo to see how our solution can help your community connect, engage and succeed!