Friday November 2 Updates

We would like to have a thought for our partner universities on the East Coast who may have been hit by hurricane Sandy early this week. We hope that everything soon comes back to normal if not already.

On our end we made additional improvements to the CampusGroups platform this week:

1) New Manage Menu:
A consolidated menu with cleaner design for a smoother user experience will be live shortly.

2) Documents searchability:
Photos and documents will be searchable from the main search bar. Mini search bar in the Documents section has been removed.

3) Privacy Settings:
Some users reported getting a 500 error. We made sure this is not the case anymore.

4) Members:
Year of registration and year of membership end are now displayed on membership cards.

5) Groups:
Officers can now set groups to appear on members' profiles as visible to all, visible to group members only or hidden.

6) Forms & Surveys:
Notifications when a survey/form has been completed are now sent by email even if the user is not logged in.

7) Profile:
Users can now decide which groups they want or don't want displayed on their profile.

8) Emails:
The group name is now displayed on any email sent from the 'contact us' email address on the groups list page or on the group's website.

9) Money:
We fixed the counter which displayed the number of transactions inaccurately.