Friday October 26 Updates

A few bug fixes this week:

1) We made sure that pending members are not able to access "Members only" web pages and cannot RSVP to "Members only" events before they get validated by an officer of the group.

2) Users can now properly browse photos on IE9 with CG's photoslider.

3) IE fix, some content were carried across Web sites when going from one group Web site to another. This issue was due to IE ajax caching.

4) If a student does not have a month of graduation set and the group membership end date is set to "Ends at graduation" the month value will be set to school's Graduation Month (this is a school wide setting).

5) Deleted events will not appear in the Approve Events section anymore.

6) Uploading files to forms when not logged on is now possible.

7) Quick fix in the Group Activity section, links to photos are now linking properly again.

8) API bug fix on the CreateUpdateMember method.

9) Uploading documents with a " ' " in the name of the file is now working fine again.


Upcoming changes (next week):

- Removal of the mini search bar in the Photos/Docs section. Photos and documents are now searchable via the main Search Bar, just like People, Events, Emails, etc.

- API: we are creating a new documentation page available to all school administrators.

- Implementation of a new Manage Menu design* with cleaner and faster navigation, which you can preview right here.


*Subject to change.