4 Ways CampusGroups Helps Schools Create & Manage Successful Events

Event Registration Made Easy

Your students are on the go. We help you make it easy for them to browse and register for the wonderful events and opportunities available to them on your campus through streamlined online registration.

Engage attendees and boost attendance at each event, and empower your student leaders with CampusGroups event management and communication tools to help ensure your event is a huge success!

Check out 4 ways the CampusGroups helps schools create and manage successful events.

1. Manage Event Registration from One Place

With CampusGroups, your students continually discover campus events and involvement opportunities available to them; they are able to register from anywhere, at any time!

Event organizers manage guests, ticketing and cancellations all from a customized registration platform to reinforce the group's visual identity.

Online registration enables a super fast check-in process and the pre-printing of badges or bracelets.

2. Collect Required Documents from Students

Every event is unique, and CampusGroups makes sure event leaders are able to collect necessary documents from students (such as constitutions, mission statements, resumes and post-event reflections). You can also create and include a mandatory waiver when attendees register to your event.

3. Send Automated, Club-Branded Emails

CampusGroups provides you with customized email marketing tools to send beautiful, personalized registration confirmations, event reminders and feedback request emails to your event attendees, all with a cohesive, branded look to match your community and school. Automated registration emails expedite the check-in process, providing your guests quick access to event ticket QR codes by email.

4. Gather Insightful Attendee Data

Event organizers are able to access dashboards and key metrics to help measure ROI of an event. Attendance data is automatically collected by scanning a QR code, swiping a card, or manually checking in students at the door. This allows you to download an event specific list of attendees, including demographics, registration information and check-in times. Involvement data for groups and individual students is at your fingertips!

Offer Ticket Waitlists, Transfers, Lottery & More!

Various options are available including creation of multiple ticket types, time slot reservations and ticket transfers. Enable a waiting list which automatically activates once the capacity of a given ticket is reached. Another popular feature, our ticket lottery system, allows you to offer all of your students a fair shot at popular events such as spring break treks.

Interested in learning more about CampusGroups? Please contact us or set up a demo. We'd love to hear from you!