E&F Updates: Easier & Faster Navigation

Easier & Faster Navigation

Why take two steps what can be done in one? The CampusGroups team has been busy this month improving UX for the platform. Here are several updates we've made to streamline navigating the system.


We've added a 'Save as Draft' button when you are creating a new event. Continue drafting your event at your convenience before you're ready to publish it.


When you need to reset your password, you're sent a reset password email. Now once you reset it, you will be automatically logged back into the platform, eliminating a need for an additional login.


When you joined a group before, you first selected the group for which you would like to register and then were required to submit a form entering your contact, year of graduation and other information.

We've simplified this process so that when you are already logged into the system, you don't have to fill out the form again. All of your information is automatically added so that you can register for the group in a single step. Just select a club and click join!

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.