What's New: QR Code Scanning

Easy email access to QR Codes

Now it’s even easier for students (and non-students) to access their event tickets and the associated QR codes.  Your event’s QR code will be included in both the event registration confirmation email as well as the event reminder email sent out prior to the event.  Your guests won’t need to hunt for QR codes or student IDs.  Simply open the email to scan!

Another benefit to being able to access QR codes by email is that it’s open to everyone.  This is important when your event is open to everybody, and your non-university guests will be able to receive the emails with the QR code.  They will be able to scan in easily, and your attendance records will include non-students who attend your event!

Read more about the highly useful benefits of attendance-tracking - click here!

Interested in learning more about CampusGroups? Please do not hesitate to contact us or set up a demo. We'd love hear from you!