Meet Megan, Graphic and Brand Designer at CampusGroups
/At CampusGroups, we believe that our team is accomplishing incredible things every day. Every single member of our team is truly passionate about shaping the future of higher education technology and unlocking the potential of students and student-led organizations to Connect, Engage and Succeed.
In this behind-the-scenes series, we are introducing each one of our team members one by one.
Meet Megan, Graphic and Brand Designer at CampusGroups
On weekends, you can find Megan exploring & snapping photos in nyc
Q: Hi! Can you introduce yourself?
A: Hi! I’m Megan Luedke, I’m from a minuscule town called Manawa in central Wisconsin. I love to travel, take photos, pet dogs (especially the ones Stephanie brings into the CG office) and listen to podcasts. I’m the resident Space enthusiast at CampusGroups, so you can find me randomly blurting out the latest cool news in space to anyone that will listen to me babble.
I studied Graphic Design and Interactive Media at the University of Wisconsin – Stout (one of our partner campuses), and I minored in Applied Foreign Languages by studying German and Spanish. I also have a full minor in Spanish.
Q: What is your favorite podcast?
My all-time favorite podcast is called The Anatomy of Next (by Founders Fund). It discusses how we could potentially live on Mars and all of the different aspects of creating a colony on Mars would entail. It’s very well produced and super interesting. Some other podcasts I enjoy are The Mission Daily (by the Mission), Tuesday Morning Coffee (by Babin), Future of Cities (by the Mission), and The Story (by the Mission).
Q: Were you part of a club or group during college?
A: I was involved in several clubs on campus but nothing ever too seriously through my experience at Stout. I chose to really focus on working on campus and Studying Abroad. I was able to study abroad three times over the five years I studied at UW-Stout. The first experience I studied in Darmstadt, Germany for one year. My second experience was spending three weeks traveling Holland with UW-Stout faculty for one of my graphic design courses. My third and final experience was the month after I graduated (one week after accepting my position at CampusGroups) where I spent four weeks in Oaxaca, Mexico finishing my Spanish minor and living with a host family. I also held several jobs on campus over my five years one of which was working in our study abroad office. I also spent two years working in our Involvement Center as a graphic designer. This was my way of being involved in many organizations all at once. Being able to collaborate with the great people who help all of our student orgs succeed was a really rewarding experience.
Q: How did you join the team at CampusGroups?
A: While I was working in the Involvement Center on my campus as a designer, we decided to make a switch from OrgSync to CampusGroups as our engagement platform for our campus. I worked really closely with the team who helped make this switch through the summer between semesters. I had to make the platform look its best and market to our students that we made this switch. After one of my supervisors, Jennifer Lee, spoke at NASPA with CampusGroups, I found out they were looking for a designer and so I reached out and was lucky enough to be hired. I accepted the job one week after I graduated in May 2019 and two weeks after my final study abroad trip in Mexico. I started around July 1st, so I’ve been here for about five months now.
Q: You work at the NYC office. What’s it like?
Potato the maltipoo loves to visit campusgroups NYC office. (megan is one of her favorite people.)
A: I grew up in a town with 1,294 people so making the jump to a city with 8.6 Million people was a big adjustment for me. I’ve grown to really love the city so far, and I really enjoy working with our ever-growing team here at CampusGroups. The NYC office has grown since I’ve joined and has become a fun environment to work in, even when Yorick and I steal all the candy from everyone else.
Q: Can you describe your role and mission?
A: I’m a Graphic and Brand Designer. I manage many aspects of our brand from our marketing materials to help push our campus apps through the app store approval processes. I’m working towards improving our overall brand image and helping improve the platform along the way with my unique perspective since I was once a user of the platform.
Q: What do you like the most about your role?
A: Something I love to do is collaborate and share ideas with others. Another one of my daily tasks is to help answer support emails, and I always love getting an email from a client asking about how other schools are using the platform. I love seeing how all of our schools use our platform and learning new ways of doing things. I enjoy being able to see all of these and sharing them with our universities so that they can improve their platform. In particular, I love being able to do this for UW-Stout and being able to stay in touch with my old supervisors and co-workers at the Involvement Center. I am very excited about the launch of our User Community to see even more best practices and use cases across our universities.
Q: What is your favorite feature/module on CampusGroups?
A: My favorite module is the Connections Program. I was assigned to learn about this module for one of our team product trainings. As soon as I began working with it and learning it, I could instantly see how it could improve so many processes within UW-Stout’s International Office. I wish I would have known more about this feature as a student working in their office.
Q: Why do you think students like and use CampusGroups so much?
A: There are so many things involved in being an Org on a campus and having the tools to help you easily do things can be game changing for your Org. It streamlines process so that students can spend more time enjoying their organization than worrying about the administrative tasks involved in being an officer or member.
Q: What piece of advice can you give to students?
A: At UW-Stout we have a campaign called “Pick-One” where they encourage students to simply pick one thing to get involved in on campus besides academics to help them expand their experience. It could be anything from joining a student org to getting a job or studying abroad. I always thought that this was a brilliant campaign because it is so true. If you can get involved in just one thing it could open so many more doors for yourself on campus, you just have to take that first step and find your one thing to get you started.