Updates of the week (Jan 20th)

Here are the lastest improvements for this week (all these changes will be pushed to all servers by Friday Jan 27th):

  • Events: We added a "Create Event" button straight on the calendar to allow officers to create events in just 2 clicks instead of 4.  Also, the calendar now has 2 views: the Month view and the Agenda view (list of events).

  • Emails: You can now open an email by clicking anywhere on the email line not just on the email title.
  • Navigation: Click on Groups in the top menu will allow you to see all your groups, not all the groups at school.
  • Events: Quick description is not a mandatory field anymore and will contain the name of the event if left empty.
  • Website: You can now customize the URL of any given page (not just the name and browser title).

  • Navigation: When switch into another group you are an officer of, you will land to the same page you were on (ex: Edit Website page).
  • School Admin: As a school administrator, you can now see an event registration page, even if it has not been approved yet.
  • Events: To accelerate the loading of Upcoming Events, the list of event topics will be displayed in read-only mode (without the dropdown to edit them).
  • RSS feed: Event names will not include the group acronym anymore.

Thanks and have a wonderful week end!