Open Doors for Student Involvement and Leadership: 5 Key Strategies

Connect and empower your campus community

Getting involved in clubs and organizations on campus provides invaluable opportunities for your students to learn, lead, network and develop important professional skills. Watch student engagement soar as you manage all your school’s organizations, events and communications in your own campus platform!

CampusGroups provides many useful features to maximize opportunities for student involvement and leadership!

1) Let Students Join Their Groups of Interest

Create a categorized listing of all groups on campus for students to explore! CampusGroups makes it easy to search and easily join one or several groups at once. As an administrator, it's easy to create and manage all your groups, officers and permissions, and to charge and collect membership fees.

2) Facilitate Leadership Roles

Help your students hone real-world, sought-after skills such as learning how to organize events, manage time, members, workflow and budgets. Elect new club officers, send a quick email to all or some of your officers, and assign permissions and access rights for your team of officers. Members can easily find and contact club leaders on a group's page, where contact info, positions and roles are automatically displayed.

3) Easily Manage Members

Members can be quickly imported via Excel. Control who can join a group and validate new members, and collect information about your members with surveys. Search and view lists of members (by account type and year of graduation) and categorize students with custom tagging.

Students can search each other, connect and chat on the go!

4) Create Engagement Checklists

Gamify tasks with checklists! Individual student involvements and attendance at events is automatically tracked, making it easier for you to access, analyze and download key data reports. Student participation data can be automatically pulled at optional and mandatory events, career fair attendance, advisor meetings, workshops, evaluations or any other tasks you would like to require.

See how the University of Wisconsin in Madison leveraged CampusGroups' Checklists to assess student engagement.

5) Foster, Track and Assess Student Engagement

CampusGroups provides a full suite of tools that can help you to achieve your Learning Outcomes objectives. Within CampusGroups, a huge amount of automatically collected data is available, and powerful reporting tools allow you to access the data representations you need.

Interested in learning more? Please contact us or set up a demo. We'd love to hear from you!