October 2020: Latest Updates to CampusGroups
/Greetings in these unprecedented times! We hope you are having a wonderful and safe fall semester.
This month, we are introducing several new capabilities and helpful enhancements to the platform and mobile apps: new customizations and updates for officer permissions, co-curricular transcripts, accessibility, virtual fairs & career fairs, surveys and more.
Read on to learn more about the latest updates!
Customize default officer permissions
When someone becomes an officer on CampusGroups, by default they are given all officer permissions - then it is up to the group president or school administrators to manually remove some of the permissions as needed.
Sometimes, however, campuses need to be able to remove certain permissions as default settings. (For ex., some schools don't want officers to be able to add or change other officers in their group, and they had to go into each group and uncheck that access each time they had re-registration or switched an officer.)
To simplify this process, we created a new Default Officer Permissions setting (e.g., newly appointed officers will not have the permission to manage other officers).
Additionally, we have separated the Manage Officers permissions from Manage Settings in a group so that you can allow a group to update all of their other settings without having to give them permission to access their officers.
Accessibility Updates
To ensure the platform is accessible to all, we have removed “Accessibility Mode”, replacing with “Accessibility Information" and providing a link in a new tab to the institutional accessibility information page, for schools with this setting configured. An example of this change is improved screen reader and keyboard support for the events carousel/slideshow, homepage website slideshow, and navigation menus for JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver. (Note: All slideshows and carousels are now stopped by default and must be used manually, and have been updated to support keyboard/screen reader navigation.)
Moving forward, we will be building and maintaining a single platform/framework with the goal of supporting all users, regardless of the interfaces being used. We have dedicated resources and are working constantly towards the improvements required to achieve this goal.
We’ve made searching users more accessible with smoother keyboard navigation and improved screen reader context. When searching, you will receive screen reader feedback as you start typing a name or email. More details are provided on search results when you arrow up or down, and the result list now reads the line you’re on currently.
These improvements make navigation much easier for everyone and help ensure the platform continues to improve access for everyone. Let us know if you have any questions, concerns or feedback.
Learn more: If you’re interested in learning more about Co-Curricular Transcripts, please feel welcome to reach out to us or set up a quick demo!
Co-Curricular Transcript Enhancements
CampusGroups Co-Curricular Transcripts allow you to showcase individual students' achievements, awards, leadership, service experience & more, for a comprehensive record displaying all of a student's engagement in one place.
What's new: Co-Curricular Transcripts now include Badges, Tracks and Checklists to include more achievements to a student's record of involvement and co-curricular experience.
CAMPUSGROUPS VIRTUAL FAIRS help students learn about co-curricular activities and get involved, even remotely.
Virtual Fairs Latest Updates
With wonderful feedback and ideas from our campus partners, our goal is to make Virtual Fairs flexible and customizable for your campus community (and adaptable for many different types of fairs -- Career, Resource, Volunteer, Greek Life, Study Abroad & more)!
What's new:
Officers can now retrieve under the participants listing more information and stats on who participated in the fair and how (e.g., who came to their video conference).
You can now enter a comment for each of your booth photos. These comments will be displayed as alternative content for visually impaired users.
Previously, the Information Booth link opened a dedicated chat window for fair visitors to speak with administrators. To help provide more actual information for fair attendees, in addition to offering the option to ask direct questions, you can now use an existing booth as the event's Information Booth.
Learn more about Virtual Fairs!
We’ve updated our Surveys module! It’s now possible to add custom pass/fail messages for quizzes. This is a helpful way to share information and next steps depending on a student's result.
You can utilize this update for COVID health screening quizzes to determine whether a student may safely attend classes in-person on a given day. For example, when a student with COVID symptoms fails the daily check-in quiz, you can send them a personalized message gently letting them know they will not be allowed to come to class today.
Sometimes school administrators need to make it mandatory for students to watch a video (such as a Title IX required training or student leadership or member trainings) to make sure they've watched all the way through before receiving credit. To meet this need, we have developed a way for you to track if students are watching a video or not, once it's assigned to a checklist item via a completion rule.
Your CampusGroups event web app automatically includes the features of your mobile app, displaying immersive page views with the mobile menu on the left and all of your content in the middle.
The drag & drop feature in the Mobile App Builder allows you to easily add the Photos widget, which compiles everthing posted on the feed in one place. This now displays all of the photos posted to the event feed on the web event app.
Schools using the Data Warehouse module can now retrieve answers to custom registration form questions (including timeslots) through the Data Warehouse API.
We created a new 'Edit Group Settings' permission to restrict officers' access to the Settings page.
Prevent students from creating new tag values for profile fields such as Interests and Sports. (A new school configuration is now available under "Admin > Settings > General Settings > Directory".)
Interested in learning more about CampusGroups? Please do not hesitate to contact us for a demo to see how our solution can help your community connect, engage and succeed!