September 2020: 19 Latest Updates to CampusGroups
/Fall is in the air at last! We hope your semester is off to a safe and successful start.
On our end, we are enhancing many features and developing new capabilities to the platform - as always, we thank you for your wonderful ideas and feedback. Please check out the latest updates to Virtual Fairs, Events Management, Budget Requests, Contact Tracing and our newest feature: CampusGroups Marketplace!
Read on to learn more about the latest updates!
CampusGroups Virtual Fairs help students learn about co-curricular activities and get involved, even remotely.
Virtual Fairs Latest Updates
To optimize booth creation and help administrators and group leaders, we’ve created new tools and enhancements to Virtual Fairs!
Easily drag & drop your Virtual Fair widget in the Mobile App Builder to automatically add your Virtual Fair on mobile.
Import an existing booth’s details from another fair to save time (no need to rebuild).
Apply your school’s own branding by customizing the color of the top bar & buttons in your Fair.
View the listing of participants along with the number of booths they visited and booths in which they expressed interest.
Under fair settings, administrators can hide Booth stats, and officers can deactivate the Private Chat option and see students who participated in their group’s live video conference.
Make it easy for students to browse and register for events with a secure, streamlined event registration platform on-the-go.
Flexible Event Management
Occasionally, you might have a multi-day event (e.g., M/W/F from 10-11am) and would like for students to be able to sign up just once to automatically register them for all three sessions.
To allow for this flexibility, Officers can now select the additional events they would like members to be automatically registered to when they register to the main event. (This option is available when events have only one registration option with no payment required.)
Additionally, it is also now possible to select and restrict who can manage an event among the officers.
CampusGroups streamlines the Budgeting & Allocations process to allow multiple students and administrators to collaborate on a centralized system.
Budgeting Approval Notifications
CampusGroups Budgeting Module streamlines the budgeting and allocations process to allow multiple students and administrators to collaborate on a centralized system.
What's new? When administrators are finished approving a budget request, they can now promptly send a notification email to the member who submitted the budget request simply by checking the 'Done Approving' checkbox.
Extensive CampusGroups Integrations are available to customize your platform while supporting your preferred apps and tools.
EMS Room Reservation Integration Revamp
The EMS Room Reservation integration now allows events created in CampusGroups to be automatically added to EMS. Officers creating events can now select more than one room for their event through the use of a window that displays all rooms that are available at the selected time.
If the event is configured as a recurring event and multiple dates are selected, this reservation window will also let the officer easily switch between the various selected dates to select the room or rooms that they would like to reserve for each occurrence.
Incentivize Students to Update Their Profiles
CampusGroups Profiles showcase your accomplishments and give a comprehensive view of who you are to potential connections: classmates, alumni, new contacts, even potential employers, offering an instant opportunity to connect.
To help incentivize students to update their profiles, we added four new Completion Rules to encourage students to: upload a profile photo, create a bio, upload a profile cover photo, and add Interests. These new rules can be used to assign Badges, Points and let students complete Checklist Items.
More on Completion Rules: We also created a new Completion Rule for attendance at a fair. You can specify the number of booths that must be visited for completion.
Uploading Resumes
CampusGroups makes it simple to showcase your accomplishments and automatically synchronize resumes, with beautiful formatting taken care of for you!
What's new? It is now possible to batch upload many resumes all at once (under Admin > Settings > Upload Resumes). Students can also upload a resume file from their profile (under "Bio & Resume").
Create an Event Approval Process for Specific Groups
Sometimes different types of groups (such as Greek Life organizations) need a different review and approval process for events than the standard process for other clubs. To make this easy and flexible to set up, you can now hand-select the groups to which you would like to apply an Event Approval Process (instead of only being able to filter by Group Types).
Automatic Promotion From Waiting Lists
Automatic promotion from the waiting list is an exciting new feature where events that include waiting lists in their registration options can allow users to be automatically promoted and notified when current attendees cancel or get a refund. As is the case with manual promotion, if the ticket requires payment, the promoted user will be granted a configurable number of hours to finalize their purchase; if the ticket is not purchased in time the spot will be freed for a different user automatically.
Utilize CampusGroups to manage COVID-related processes such as Contact Tracing to protect your students and staff - learn more
New Contact Tracing Report to Target Specific Users
Contact Tracing tools are available within CampusGroups to help you enforce event registrations and attendance tracking for on-campus events. In just a few clicks, you can access the full list of all contacts that a person encountered during events they attended within a given time range. This data can then be downloaded into Excel, including all contacts, their information and registration details.
You can now download a new Contact Tracing report (under the Admin Active Users section) that allows you to easily retrieve an attendance record of all the events attended by a specific user, along with the associated attendees for these events and check-in and check-out data.
Learn more: Campus Restart Strategies & Tools for the Fall Semester
buy, sell & rent within the campus community with CampusGroups Marketplace!
New Feature: CampusGroups Marketplace!
CampusGroups Marketplace is a new feature that connects your students to available opportunities for buying, selling and renting within the community!
Your campus community members can safely and securely buy and sell items within Marketplace, while real estate rentals are open to outsiders (such as landlords) who pay a fee for limited access (restricted to protect your community data) and the ability to set up a post sharing an available rental space for a given amount of time.
A Map view displays listings on a Google map for ease of locating nearby sale items and rentals. (Sellers can specify the zip code and city of the rental or where they would like buyers to pick up the item.)
Learn more about CampusGroups Marketplace, or feel free to request a demo to see the Marketplace firsthand!
Upon request, we've added a new rubric question type in Surveys.
School administrators can now upload a custom banner that will be placed on top of students' co-curricular transcripts.
Administrators can now create Survey logics that will add a member tag and/or a user tag to a survey respondent upon submission.
An "Allow feed post" setting is now available in Mobile App advanced settings. If activated, this allows all users to post on the Activity feed of an event app.
In Checklists, administrators and officers are now able to uncheck a student's "Checked-Off" item.
You can now change the display of your Guest Login section (under Admin > Settings > General Settings > Custom Instructions > Guest login). This is a useful way to hide the guest login on the login page or display it or only show the SSO button.
Group Custom Fields are now displayed on the About section of the group page, the group's Admin page, and the About section of a group under the Feed section.
Officers can now reset a waiver signature for many members all at once using a mass update button on the Members listing.
Under Budget settings, administrators can now select fields that will be required in order to submit a budget request.
Interested in learning more about CampusGroups? Please do not hesitate to contact us for a demo to see how our solution can help your community connect, engage and succeed!