Updates of the week
/Here are new improvements/features and few fixes for the week.
Improvements & new features:
- Events: we added an Event Topics selector on the event form (the page you create events on). This will go live on January 15th.
- Events: we created an event uploader via Excel (for school administrators only)
- Events: we will not display the "Event" button on top of the feed anymore, to prevent any possible confusion for officers who are trying to create an event
- Rooms: we created a room uploader via Excel (for school administrators only)
- Performance: we implemented the caching of counters to speed up the counting of elements across all CampusGroups (members, students, events, etc)
- Blog: you can now filter [CONTENT: BLOG_ FULL] by tags
- Blog: a selected list of officers can now receive notifications when someone comments on the blog
- Login: you can now log on from here: http://www.campusgroups.com/login.aspx
Bug fixes:
- Forms: we fixed a bug on the listing of newly submitted event requests
- Website: we fixed a minor display bug on the Edit Javascript entry page.
- Navigation:Top menu was not displayed correctly in IE7, and had more minor display issues with IE8 and IE9. This is now fixed.