Updates of the week (Feb 24th)

Here are the new improvements for this week (all these changes will be pushed to all servers next Friday).

Improvements and new features:

  • Groups: In addition to being able to access the list of all the groups of your school by clicking on "Join groups", you can now also manage the groups you are an officer of from the "Groups" menu.  
  • Members: If an officer does not have the permission to manage members, the "Edit" link in the "Membership" section does not appear anymore.   
  • Groups: On the list of groups, the names of the groups are now linking to group websites. 
  • Members: You can now see which member is an officer and what is his/her position in the list of members.   
  • Email: When you upload an attachment in an email from the "Files Already Uploaded" section, only the name of the file appears in the dropdown list and in the email.
  • Thanks and have a good week end!!!