Virtual Fairs: Latest Enhancements and Tools (Group Selection, Booth Stats, Home Page Customizations)
/Design your Virtual Organization Fair to help students learn about co-curricular activities and get involved, even remotely.
Here’s a quick update to share some of the newest capabilities and enhancements we’ve added to Virtual Involvement Fairs. With wonderful feedback and ideas from our campus partners, our goal is to make this feature even more flexible and customizable for your campus community!
Here's what's new this week for Virtual Fairs:
For added flexibility, you can now select the groups you would like to include in your fair by not only selecting the group type but also by selecting individual groups as well.
Schools with full campus platforms can add your Virtual Fair to your Home Page under the fair Settings.
You can now hide Booth stats under the fair Settings.
What’s on the horizon?
We will be adding more information to your listing of participants! Administrators and group officers will be able to see lots of insightful data: who went to the fair, at what time, how many booths each attendee liked, how many they visited. You'll be able to easily follow up and download reports of all your fair's participants.
Additionally, for schools that don't already have the chat feature activated, you will soon be able to enable the chat for your Virtual Fair. Fair participants will then be able to create group chats so that all the booth officers and the prospective members can connect, ask & answer questions and get to know each other!
If you have any questions, comments, ideas or suggestions, please feel welcome to contact us -- we'd be happy to talk more. We'd love to hear from you!