Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Email List? 4 Helpful Tips You Can Use Right Now.
/Optimize the look of your newsletters by creating and reusing Email Templates
Hoping to get more RSVP’s for your next event? Engage members or attract new ones? Group email is one of your most important tools as an officer. While your members may not check your website every day, they probably check their email every hour.
Get the most out of your email list with these 4 helpful tips:
1. Keep your members connected
Be consistent by sending emails to your list on a regular basis. Compose and distribute a weekly or bi-weekly newsletter for your group. Develop a plan to stay connected and follow it. Create and reuse newsletter templates to reinforce your group's visual identity.
2. Create emails members look forward to
Engage your members. Since CampusGroups templates automatically maintain your group’s branding and continuity, all you have to do is insert interesting and valuable content. Not sure what to include? Ask for members' feedback with surveys, invite them to register for an event, call for volunteers, announce upcoming events and news, and ask members to share on social media. Add content that showcases your group’s personality, activities and expertise: quotes, event photos, videos, infographics, contests, giveaways, affiliate offers and members-only discounts.
Target recipients and track open/click rates like a professional marketer
3. Fine-tune your subject line
Pique members’ interest. Which would you prefer to open?
Wildcat Marketing Club’s Newsletter #17 or Huge Fellowship Opportunity + Best Photos from Friday’s Fall Mixer!
Consider your subject line as a powerful newspaper heading, its sole job to convince busy people to click and read what’s inside. Engage with a question, offer a benefit, or give a sneak peak at what's inside: a video, photo or exciting announcement.
4. Segmentation with tags
Want to send targeted content to a specific group of members, rather than your entire list? CampusGroups makes it easy to segment your list into different groups with tags. Send an email to specific people, such as: just your new members, only members without a profile photo, or just the people who attended your most recent event. Your members will appreciate (and open) emails that are directly relevant to them.
Log in now to get started on your next Group email!
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